It's sometimes so easy to become distracted and ill-disciplined. I have to remind myself to write. Not because I don't want to but because my will is not stronger than my laziness. For me, discipline is my weakness. I get fired up about something, (exercise especially) and after a month...well. Back to basics. And weight gain. But I digress.
A month ago, I was upset about the lack of jobs for my fellow university graduates. Today, I'm still upset, but the fire feels like a slow simmer. I did try to do something. I wrote to a politician. :) I told him, I have people, who are interested in doing something, I have friends who are graduates and unemployed, I have an urge to do something, I am willing! And he smiled and the end. So my good people, I write. And I feel justified in the statuses I post and the things I say. But I won't write forever.
Fast forward a month. The semester is nearly to an end and a lot of people are preoccupied with their own family affairs for the season. Which is fine. However, I do wish to go back to some points made in my original post. Talk can only get you so far. Things must also be done. Here are a few of the things I hope to accomplish with the help of the persons who were interested in doing something for their country for 2014:
1. I understand another local young man has a mentor type system made up of all males. I WILL make contact with him and offer to do some career counselling and mentoring to secondary school students on Fridays that I am available and I shall extend the courtesy to some of my learned female friends.
2. I will be writing to the newspapers more often about the plight of young Vincentians who continue to offer services to SVG but are continuously shut down because of who their parents are and what party they did or did not vote for. This is a major issue here in my opinion and it shouldn't be. Just thinking about it makes me frustrated. How can someone spitefully turn down a job application for a qualified person because the applicant's parents voted for the party in power? I hope the gene of stupidity is not passed down to generations.
3. I have already gotten some information from some friends of mine about a Youth Parliament. I WILL (again) bring it up to the powers that be.
4. We need to attend more forums whether they be youth motivated or otherwise so that we can make more informed postings so that when we emphatically state something we can further back it up by something other than print media. I bin dey so I ain't hear so Ah see it for meself!
5. We should find our own academic mentors in the fields we've studied and kindly ask to be their understudy. People can't live forever right? Hopefully by so doing, we can gain the "experience" that the job market asks for on a regular basis.
6. We need be more educated about aid from foreign enterprises that are interested in small start up groups who are dedicated to making a change to their own developing nations. If you're not getting help from home, there are always other avenues.
I do believe it is time to take our own fate into our own hands and while there are certain things that cannot be immediately changed, I do believe that sitting and thinking about a better St.Vincent will NOT make a better St.Vincent.
This isn't about New Year's Resolutions per se, but rather an action plan of how I can get off my behind and not become bitter about the current situations I see daily.
What do you guys suggest? Are there things that take preference for you in bettering yourself and your country? Or have you all flown out of the cage to greener pastures? Leave your comments below! :)